Wednesday, May 16, 2012

my daughter has loved being in front of a camera from day one...
she was born posing...
I've never liked being in front of the camera...
have always loved being behind it...
she is always been ready when a camera is pointed her direction...
of course I have one in her face since the day she was born...
my son is a different story....he is like me....
doesn't like being in front of the camera...
even though I had one in his face from day one...
he didn't fall in love with it...
I guess some people are behind the camera people...
and some people are infront of the camera people...
which one are you?


TexWisGirl said...

she is a natural performer - whether dance or whatever. :)

Nancy said...

I'm definitely a behind-the-camera type person! Your daughter is a hoot. :)

Janie said...

Your daughter is a cute girl and she does seem to love the spotlight. I'm definitely a behind the camera person.

Diana LaMarre said...

I am definitely a BEHIND the camera person. In fact I hate having my picture taken. It looks like your daughter is having a lot of fun posing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your daughter is beautiful. I prefer to be behind the camera.

Bev said...

Well I have one like her:)... But me... I like to be behind the camera! Hubby likes to be in front...

Tanna said...

definitely prefer BEHIND the camera! Though I've really been working on getting in front of it some so the Little Men will have some reminders of their Noni one day. Funny what will motivate us, isn't it? blessings ~ Tanna

Dolores said...

Your daughter should be in front of the camera, with her good looks and her poses....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am most definitely behind the camera. i love the one kissing the lion, that is my favorite. she looks like a really fun person to be with.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful daughter and great pictures sweet Deb. I love taking pictures too but usually forget my camera when we go somewhere. :( Hugs

A Colorful World said...

Your daughter is lovely! I was always a ham around the camera as a kid and then when I became an teenager, I quit enjoying having my picture taken. Now I just like to take pictures!

Carla said...

I've been a behind the camera person for the most part but in the last couple of years I've put myself in front. Your daughter is definitely a natural in front of the camera and pretty too.

Judy said...

The complete opposite of my elder daughter, who refused to let me take any photos of her before she went to Madagascar...
Love the elephant statues!!