Saturday, December 14, 2013

 It has been a different week here...
Hotrod being sick...he is much better now...
he has a cold...but the strep throat is better...
we did manage to get a few art projects in this week...
we finally bought our Christmas tree today...
it is up...not decorated yet...
well it has one ornament Hotord made...
I'm going to put the lights up tomorrow...
Hotrod will help me decorate on Monday....

I got my Christmas present early....
a Speed light 430....flash...
my indoor photos have never been to good...
all these photos were taken with the new flash...
I get to test it out tomorrow...
I have a photo shoot at my daughters dance studio...
it is a Christmas Gala...a fundraiser...
for their dance team...
No Santa this year...
I will be taking photos of them with a ballerina...
of course you know photos will be posted soon...

I'm looking forward to next Tuesday...
I get to go to a tea at a blog pals home...
Linda at Linda's Life Journal ...
so looking forward to seeing all her decorations...
up close and in person....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

now i am jealous... about the tea i mean... have fun, wish i were there with both of you. the flash is working great....i like the idea of having photos with a ballerina..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say, the first time i used my speed flash at the nursing home Christmas dance, half way through the battery died in the flash and in my camera... it draws a lot of power, so take extra battery for the camera and if you have an extra for the flash.

TexWisGirl said...

the shots look good. glad hotrod is feeling a bit better, too.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear little HR has not been feeling well, glad he is recovering. What fun you and he have together, you are both blessed. Your new flash works great. The lighting in the last picture is amazing. Hugs

Michelle said...

Glad to hear that Hotrod is feeling better!

Ramakrishnan said...

Getting ready for Christmas. Cheers ! Love the pictures of the little fellow with hands liberally dipped in paint ! Congrats on your new aquisition (Flash). Best Wishes Ram

Nancy said...

Hope HR gets to feeling better soon.

Wanted to stop by to wish you and yours a happy holiday season. xo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad Hotrod is better and what a great gift....enjoy!

Judy said...

I love those hands!!! I wonder why I never thought to take photos like that of my girls...