Sunday, December 1, 2013

 It was an awesome Thanksgiving weekend....
the weather was nice....
I spent all day yesterday chasing dust bunnies...
I got a lot accomplished...
 today I got to have a little fun....
a reward for my house hold chores...
this is Dallas...
a rescue dog....
he is a big ole sweetie pie....
he really wanted to come over and give me kisses...
but he sat like a good boy.....

this little missy just wanted to bark at me...
she wasn't too thrilled with the camera...

 I think he thought if he sat there...
maybe he could get out of the photo session...
 Buster liked the view better from the stairs...
a little calmer there....
with four kiddos and two dogs...
probably the best seat in the house...
My daughter helped host a baby shower...
for her friend...who is also her boyfriends sister...
their Mom is in the middle...
it was a fun shower...
I traveled 100 miles today...
part of the miles...
because MapQuest sent me the wrong way....
My daughter made the corsage...
she found it on Pinterest....just adorable...
The Mommy to be....
now it is time to chill...
before a busy new week...
new month begins....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't tell Rooster, but I may have found a new Love.. Dallas is the MAN.. cute kitty and barker but you know me and big old dogss...

TexWisGirl said...

cute pups and kitty. congrats to the almost-new-mom!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are some really cute pictures!

Michaele said...

What great shots - and subjects!