Monday, December 30, 2013

we have been having winter here in Texas...
a ice storm....that just about stopped everything for days...
we have been having morning frosts....
it has been cold here all day today....
even with the sun shining....
a warm up on New Years day....
in the 60's...can't wait...
Thanksgiving and Christmas have passed....
the New year is almost here...
but can you guess where my thoughts are....
yep....I'm thinking of Spring...
but really wishing for Summer....
we do have a lot coming up before then though....
our 31st anniversary in February...
we are going to see The Eagles on that night....
Our daughter turns 25 in February....
I turn 52 in March....
We have 2 family reunions in April....
lots to keep me occupied....
I made it through the holidays still staying Paleo...
I am proud of myself....
I've tried lots of different veggies that I normally didn't...
I've been eating a variety of meat...
not just fish or chicken...
avocado's are my best friend...
Happy New Years eve...eve....


Nancy said...

I ate lots of ham and carrots at Christmas. :)

TexWisGirl said...

good for you.

Michelle said...

Seeing The Eagles sounds fantastic!

Linda said...

And to YOU!!! You are a beach babe!! I am loving the cold and chilly! Not a fan of hot! You and my Amber must be related! Still.....if it warmed up a bit I might feel like putting some of my Christmas up in the storage building....

Susan said...

Oh yeah, that looks cold, brrrr
Good for you, I'm not very good in the diet category!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so glad your going to see the Eagles....that is going to be awesome!

Ramakrishnan said...

Fascinating images. Happy New Year 2014.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

feb 8th is our 29th anniversary and feb 14 and 22 are my sons birthdays, they will be 47 and 49.. YIKES.
I am down here wishing for winter so we are canceling out each others wishes. of course my winter is like your spring i think... yuck on all that ice and no wonder you are wishing for spring.

Tanna said...

You have a big year coming up already! Lots to look forward to. Congrats on staying on the Paleo though Christmas. That's awesome! Wishing you all the best in 2014, Deb! blessings ~ tanna

Judy said...

Looks like you got more ice than we did!! Of course, we had nearly a foot of snow under it...