Friday, May 2, 2014

a day of reflection...
looking back at the week...
looking forward to the weekend...
this has been a rough week...
I have just been out of sorts all week...
the loss of Nolan...
has all of us out of sorts...
even the other furbabies...
things just feel out of kilter...
 seems like I have gotten behind on everything... work...
I haven't just been sitting around doing nothing...
my days are full...
but feel like that dog chasing my tail...
never quite catching it...
 so I am making myself a list...
going to start at the top...
and work my way down...
 we are finishing up with the planting of the garden...
everything should be in this weekend...
another thing to cross of my list...
I also plan on getting a little down time this weekend...
just to do a whole lot of nothing...
I think this will help me be refreshed to start a new week...
I'm sore from all the gardening...
gotta get my gardening muscles back in shape...
now I'm off to make that list...
so I can get to crossing things off...


Catherine said...

Sometimes I think we are out of sorts since our minds are trying to process so much and want to make time for all the things we have to do and should do. It is both mentally and physically challenging.
I think your plan to rest and refresh is a good idea and the list will put things into perspective.
Blessings dear. Catherine xo

TexWisGirl said...

understandable that the balance in your house has shifted with his absence.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

get out your on line coloring book and do some cutting and pasting... love the glass in the jar.... so sorry you are feeling out of sorts. maybe a trip to the lake with Rooster will help

Debby@Just Breathe said...

(((HUGS))) Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend. Love the photos.

Michelle said...

Sending good vibes your way.

Linda said...

I am so sorry about Nolan. It's always hard to lose such a beloved member of our family. Hope you get some 'me' time this weekend!

Michaele said...

Beautiful sky shot. Keep looking up. Rest is good too.

Judy said...

I have laundry on the line, and I got all the windows cleaned and the screens up yesterday! Now, if I could only find the kitchen counter, so my DD can make that pie she promised me. She is not even on the plane yet, and I am getting impatient...