Friday, May 30, 2014


 Just add water....
a cute little boy....
a fly swatter...
some bubbles...

tons of fun...
and great photo ops...

 fun for Hotrod...
fun for Oma...

 my garden is keeping me super busy...
getting squash...cucumbers...
spinach daily now...
I have pulled all my onions...
have them hanging in my storage building...
I found something on the net...
you use panty hose to hang them...
tying knots between each one...

there is plenty of watering to do...
plenty of weeding...
plenty of transplanting...
but I am enjoying it...
a place for peace...and exercise...
Hotrod is enjoying watching the plants grow...
and eating the bounties of our labors...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the water splashes shots.. the water looks like it could spill out on me.. joy joy is what i see... yum on the veggies

TexWisGirl said...

good for both of you. :)

Jeanie said...

I love how everything about this post says summer.

Janie said...

Cute pool pics, with the splashing water and obvious fun.
I wouldn't have thought of handing a kid a flyswatter for fun in the pool, but I can see it was a big hit.

Just Mags said...

Adorable pictures sweet Deb. That little man is having a blast and what memories you are capturing. Those splash pictures are fabulous! Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great shots, they are adorable! It loos so refreshing.....

Judy said...

I remember those days, when my kids were small, and I got to see them every day!!