Monday, May 26, 2014

 I actually got to sleep in a bit today...
sure was nice...
got a few chores done...
then Mom and I went shopping...
first stop was a new thrift store in our town...
50% off every thing in the store...
 I found this mask...marked .95 ( so half of that)
thought hmmm...that would be perfect on my fence....
it needed a little color...
so Orange it is....
 all gardens need a garden Angel right...
another .95 ( half off of that price)
The first thing I saw was this cute purse...
marked 6.99....1/2 off of that...
it reminded me of a combination of Nolan...Jake...
and Mom's Maggie...
a tribute to our little schnauzer babies...
we miss all of them...
after we loaded up our buggy...
and I mean loaded it up...
we both spent less than $30...
(mine included 11 new tops for me)
 this is The Bird/ Squirrel Café...
the doves and the squirrels love their shelf to eat on...
Our squash is growing by leaps and bounds...
we actually ate 3 squash tonight for dinner...
also picked my first cucumber...
I love walking out to the garden to pick our food...
everything this year was planted from seed...
except for a few tomato and pepper plants...
Life is good...


TexWisGirl said...

sounds like you have a great new place to shop!

Catherine said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! The finds in the thrift shop sound great.
Your garden is doing great. My garden is still very, very small plants. I guess it has just been too chilly.
Blessings, Catherine

Linda said...

You SCORED! Love your garden! We have garden envy! So where is this new thrift store??

Cranberry Morning said...

Sounds like fun! And what a cute doggy bag!

Judy said...

I wasn't sure about the orange, but after scrolling past it a few times, I have to agree...
You sure got a good haul at the thrift store!! I should check out the one near here... I could do with some new summer tops!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is some thrift shop, the prices are amazing...i like the mask and the bag is perfect. the squash take me back in time to daddy's garden, we always had several rows of giant squash bushes just like yours...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love the items you found. The mask looks great painted and I love the purse!