Saturday, May 24, 2014

Just a Swingin"

swings have always been my favorite....
Hotrod didn't like them when he was a baby...
but loves them now....
I can't believe how he has changed since last summer...
he's not a baby anymore...
he's a actual little boy....

going to the park is a whole new experience...


now Oma even gets a chance to swing....
I so want a swing at our house...
Gonna have to add that to Pawpaws to do list...

you couldn't ask for better weather here in Texas...
we have been having cool evenings...
good thing...because we are in the process of...
getting a new air conditioning system...
we don't have any a/c right now...

but with the help of cool nights...
fans...and good insulation...
we have been staying quite comfortable...
hopefully the horrible heat will give us a break...
for a few weeks...while we get the new system in...


Catherine said...

There are so many wonderful stages of fun; enjoy each and every one. Time passes so quickly as they grow.
Swings are fun and I enjoyed them as much as my kids did (perhaps more).
The weather is beautiful and cool here too. Blessings, Catherine

TexWisGirl said...

i've been keeping windows open at night, too. i've only let the a/c run one day so far. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is a little man now.. and still so beautiful.. make that handsome. we have had perfect weather for a couple of weeks. but today we woke up to 79 degrees and headed in the 90's with humidity at 98 percent. HOT

Bev said...

Love your windchime!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great shots, I love to swing!