Monday, May 26, 2014

 today is a day to remember...
to say thanks...
to all the military...past and present...
for keeping us safe...and free...
I hope Hotrod will have the same in the future...
 I'm so happy he has so many pals...
especially the four legged variety...
 Bo is a gentle giant...
so patient and easy going...
just what a busy boy needs...
 It is raining here today...
I can almost hear my garden singing...
I was going to do family photos of my brothers family today...
but the rain came...
so we will be grateful for it...
my daughter and animals are back home...
she is improving every day...
Hotrod and Ginger joined us yesterday...
it is really quiet around here today...
it has been busy with the four dogs...
I think Rooster is feeling a little lonely...
my dad just called...
his brother in law passed away...
he was more of a brother to my Dad...
I'm so sorry for your loss Dad and Kandy...
prayers are with you....


Linda said...

This rain has been awesome! I'm going out to pull weeds now. They come up so easily when the ground is moist!

TexWisGirl said...

sorry for the family loss! glad your daughter is doing well. we finally have a few sprinkles here, now. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear about your dads BIL and you know i am drooling with joy over the HR and Bo pics... so fun

Michelle said...

sorry to hear about your family loss

Susan said...

Rain, wish we would get some, we need it so badly! Lucky you! I am so sorry for the family loss.

Judy said...

We have sun again here, but they are talking about rain later in the day...
I love that first action shot!