Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's a little Frosty around here....

Even my cowboy is cold....

frost on my windshield....

on the hood...

frozen dog water.....

chillie monkey grass...

even frost beads on the basketball.....

Hope you are all staying warm....
and cozy....during these artic blasts....
Now where is that Global Warming when you need it???
Al Gore???????


Kat said...

Deb, this is so true. When I walked out this morning I said "global warming my eye!" It was really cold, and it's supposed to get alot colder before the week is out. And not "Texas Cold" as my Pennsylvania niece calls it. REAL cold! Stay warm! Kathy

Deb said...

We're talking 15 degrees Friday night. It's just not natural...

nanny said...

gonna be 8 degrees Friday night and this is Arkansas....gosh!

Janie said...

I've been hoping for some global warming, too...
It does look a bit frosty down there in Texas.

Unknown said...

Brrr...that just looks so cold!! I don't see any global warming here either this winter!!

betty-NZ said...

Wow! Even in winter, it doesn't usually get that cold in taranaki. I get to giggle now because of the opposite seasons!!! But in 6 months, I will be cold but without the snow!

♥ Kathy said...

It's cold but it sure is pretty :)

Annie said...

I would pay Gore for some global warming here in Atlanta today:)

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Your cowboy looks rather handsome in that scarf. Did you make it? Very nice colors!

It's snowing her today and the temps have been down to 9 degrees. My gloves got wet up at the barn and everything I touched froze and stuck to them. When I touched the metal pipe rails, they stole my gloves! lol!

Stay warm!
