Thursday, December 15, 2011

Friday Fences...

Today I'm joining Friday Fences...
these photos were taken a few months ago....
we've been raining off and on here today...
in between rain storms the squirrels were acting NUTS

it was definitely not short sleeved weather today....
it was nippy....wet....and no fun...
I know I shouldn't be whining...
we need the rain desperately...
but it sure does interfere with life...

I got a nice surprise in the mail today...
a card and two wonderful photos from....
Sandra Claus  Thank made my day....

I also got an invitation to meet a blogging buddy...
I'm sure hoping I can....
This will be the first time to actually meet a bloggy pal...

I think I'm nipping this crud....
been taking something every four hours...
thank you for all the well wishes....
slept with Vicks vapor rub on my feet..
and chest...something my Nana always did...
it is also great for over tired feet...
give it a try...rub some on your feet...
put on a cozy pair of socks...
Can't believe how fast this week has gone by...


Linda said...

I LOVE Vicks!!! And Ben Gay!!
Hope you get a second wind SOON!!!

Love your pics.....

Hope to SEE you next week!

Bev said...

Love that squirrely fence:) mom always rub me with vick...when I had a cold!...but not my feet...will have to try that.

Unknown said...

Very cute series of shots, love the squirrel

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i always have vicks handy but have not tried it on the feet. I love that first shot where the squirrel looks like he just climbed out of the bucket. so darn cute and i really like the one hiding in that beautiful tree.

Nancy said...

Feel better soon, Deb! Christmas is coming... :)

Love the squirrelly shots. They always make for great photo opportunities! xoxo

TexWisGirl said...

always enjoy your scamper rats!

Joani said...

Pictures are awesome. I, too, have always used Vicks VapoRub on my feet. When I tell people they look at me with an inquiry eye. Not only does it help the crud, it also helps soften those rough feet. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

LoL at TWG's 'scamper rats' comment! They're probably acting nuts cuz they don't know what that wet stuff is that's falling from the sky, it's been so long since it's rained there! LoL! =)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute pictures. You must be outside all day waiting for the perfect moment! I remember getting my chest rubbed with Vicks as a kid.
Mad Snapper looks like fun!!!

Susan said...

Awesome pics! Love them. Hope you are feeling your best real soon!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Glad you are feeling better! Have a nice weekend!

Jan n Jer said...

Cute shots of the tree rats! I've heard of putting vics on your feet but never tried it! Hope your feeling better soon!

Clytie said...

I love the squirrely dude - but I'm sorry you've been sick. I hope you feel better soon!

Michaele said...

Hmmm Vicks on feet - gotta remember that. I never tire of squirrel photos.

genie said...

That little critter is having a pretty good old time scurrying around those tree branches. These are such pretty shots. I have never heard of the Vick’s on the feet, but I have used it on the old check for years. Now I will have to try it on my tired feet at night. Hope you are better before Santa comes down the chimney. It iso;t fun to feel crummy at Christmas. genie