Saturday, December 17, 2011

Good morning....a reflection in my window....
well it is official...
I have a Cold....sneezing...coughing...
blowing of the nose cold....
got me some Theraflu...
a box of kleenex...
I rescheduled my road trip...
hopefully a weekend of R&R will kick this cold...
I plan on catching up on my blog reading...
watching Christmas movies...
and of course blowing my nose....
tomorrow is the Christmas Dance show...
be ready for lots of photos...

Today I'm joining Weekend Reflections


Patrice said...

Lookin' pretty cold there - we were at 70F yesterday, here in Georgia, but I'm sure the cold is coming!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no on a Christmas cold. love the ornaments you added to the header.

TexWisGirl said...

sorry you got a bug! get some fluids and some rest!

Linda said...

I hope you kick it QUICK!!!

Love the new header with the blue ornaments! You are SO creative!