Tuesday, December 27, 2011

it sure is hard to get back to normal after a holiday...
especially with another one around the corner....

it was nice to have little britches back today....
his Mommie was off on Monday....
my son said he kept going to the door last night...
looking for his Oma...
put a tear in my eye....

we are staying in for New Years Eve...
having family over....
for an open house...

just fixing snacks.....no big meal...
using throw away dishes....
looking forward to just enjoying everyone....
What are your big plans for New Years Eve???
Do you make New Years resolutions???


TexWisGirl said...

no resolutions for me, i don't think. :) just meeting you and a couple of other sweet local bloggers!

Dixie said...

Hi Deb... we stay in on New Years every year... just time for Ricky n me to relax and unwind... and resolutions?... I seem to keep making the same ones every year... which would tend to lead you to believe that I am a failure at resolutions... maybe I'll skip that this year!

Jeanne said...

Happy New Year to you.... coming very soon. Going to a friends open house, so guess we are all going to be celebrating in our own ways. Yes it is hard to "get back to normal" after all the bright colors of the Christmas season . Blessings to you.... Jeanne

Nancy said...

No plans for New Year's eve. We usually don't even make it to midnight. Old fogies, we are! :)

Tanna said...

I have no resolutions... yet. May not make any, but I LOVE your idea of more adventures and the way you planned 12 in 2012!! Great idea, Deb! I'll enjoy tagging along via blogland. blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no resolutions no plans, just same old same old here. is that an okra pod? beautiful photos, the first one looks like you hung it there for a decoration.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am 67 and have only stayed up to meet the new year 4 times in my whole life. i am the ultimate early bird and can't stay up late.

Deb said...

It is hard to get back in the swing of things. We have an invite to the hubby's boss's house. Not sure if we will go or not.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

We always stay home on New Year's Eve--just enjoy spending time together. This year our daughter is have a small group of friends over--will be nice.

Linda said...

Happy New Year!

We will stay home - close to the fireplace. Probably have some wine along with our cheese and crackers as we watch the New Year come in on TV.

Our big goal for 2012 is getting our camper in shape. We have NEVER used it together. LD lived in it for 4 years after his wife died and it has just sat since we have been married. We now have a real need to use it so it has jumped to the head of our priority list!

Bev said...

Well New years Eve...we will do a 5 KM Resolution Run...but I don't make New Years resolutions!

Michaele said...

still doin' Christmas here. I like the winter photos. Very real.