Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Twelve things I want to see/ do in 2012

  1. Grapevine Vintage Train ride the train from Grapevine to Ft. Worth and back
  2. Meridian State Park  spend the day at the park enjoying the scenery
  3. Texas Star ride the big Ferris Wheel at the State Fair of Texas
  4. Ft. Worth Zoo spend the day enjoying the wild life
  5. In April visit The Vintage Wine Gallery Trail
  6. North Texas Horse Country Tour learn about horse ranching
  7. Go to a Murder Mystery Dinner
  8. Visit the Festival of Balloons in March
  9. Go to the Ft. Worth Stock show
  10. Go to the Grapevine Opry
  11. Ride the Mckinney Avenue Trolley...
  12. Go to a Air Hogs baseball game
I decided to pick 12 things I would like to do in 2012....
put them on paper...see if I could accomplish all 12...

I'm not big on resolutions...
but I do want to have more adventures...
what are your big or small plans for 2012


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will sit here 12 times this year and watch your fire and read about what you are doing. they all sound good to me. good luck, this means one a month, so which one will we be seeing on your post in January

TexWisGirl said...

that's very cool. you are a 'doer'. i'm much more a 'stay-at-homer' :)

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i would like to meet up with you sometime in 2012, though!

Linda said...

I have over 12 projects I need to get done in my house!! Starting with finishing our bedroom floor. Our main goal for 2012 is getting the camper cleaned out and ready to roll by late spring. That should take up every spare minute!

Bev said...

Hmmm. things I want to do next year... I guess I just have a bucket list...not sure want things we'll knock off that list next year! We still want to drive across Canada and visit every state in America...that should keep us busy...(hope we can get it all done:)

Becca's Dirt said...

I like your list and the idea. I really like the idea of 'adventures' instead of resolutions. I hope you can do it all. I know you'll share with us.

Deb said...

I didn't know there was a North Texas Horse Country Tour and it's just minutes from my house. I like your list of "to do's" Meridian State Park is on my list too.

Anonymous said...

No plans here we fly by the seat of our pants.

You have some interesting plans so I see some great pictures coming to your blog in the coming year. Hugs

Jeanie said...

It sounds like you will have a busy and adventurous year....it all sounds fun to me, but I would probably skip the Ferris Wheel. I did ride one at the Texas State Fair many years ago but it may not been as big as the one they have now.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a great idea. Hope you get to see each one!

Cherrie said...

I've always wanted to go to a Murder Mystery dinner. But I have yet to find anyone who wants to go with me. I hoping when my sister moves back to AZ this next year that I can get her to go with!