Monday, December 5, 2011

I think the bird council is taking up residence
in a dead area of our pecan tree....
since their original council meeting place was cut down..

It is hard to believe...
It is December....we still have leaves on the trees...
even after a summer drought...
high winds...

I've joined pinterest....
but I really haven't figured it out yet..
something new to distract me.....

this is the last of my morning glories....
the frost got the rest of them last week...
they have lasted longer than usual too...
yesterday I signed 8 boxes of Christmas cards...
for our business...still have more to go...
now I have to address all the envelopes too...
I like to hand address them...
and personally sign them...
we are a family owned business...
I like to keep it personal...
printed cards and labels...
don't say personal to me...
I watched 3 Christmas movies yesterday...
just love Hallmark and Lifetime this time of year...


TexWisGirl said...

i don't know how you find time to find one more 'interest' like pinterest to add to your day! yikes, woman!

Linda said...

I don't understand all the ins and outs of pinterest either!! I will 'follow' you if I can figure it out! Perhaps you can lead the way!

I noticed the trees today when we were out. Seems like FALL is finally here.....but it is the CHRISTMAS season! We are off kilter in Texas this year!

Love your Christmas blog look!!

And I have watched several Hallmark channel movies, too! Don't tell anyone - but so has Louis Dean!!! Except we watched one really DUMB one and now he won't watch any more!!!
Bah HUM bug!!!

Tanna said...

Iknow lots of folks who are jumping on the pinterest wagon. I just barely have time to do what I am already doing! Just can't take one more thing. Enjoy!! Hope you have been enjoying rain, too!! blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

Deb, good to catch up with you. I haven't joined Pinterest, although Brin has urged me to look. So I did. If I had the time, I'd stay there all day. --We had a good rain, thank God. Sure needed it. Enjoying your pictures, as always. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

SquirrelQueen said...

I've looked at pinterest but I haven't had the time to study it yet. You'll have to let us know what you think about it.

We had a few trees that were still hanging onto their leaves a little over a week ago but after the last windstorm the branches are pretty bare.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

me too on the Hallmark and Chrismtas movies, i watch them while blogging and while putting up trees. i sat and watched November christmas and cried all the way through it.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Awwww, leaves and mornin' glories. Girl we have ice and snow!!! My beautiful bloomers are just a nasty brittle brown!

Ya give me hope girl!

God bless and have a magnificent day!!! :o)