Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Fences

Today I'm Joining Friday Fences
sometimes whats on the other side of the fence is more fun...

sometimes the fence is fun too...
Hubby is building my clothes line tomorrow...
so will be to hang everything out...
pick up that sunshine smell...

next on the agenda is get a chicken pen/house built...
while he is on a roll...I'm trying to get it all in...

hubby called me out to the garden this morning...
when did you plant those seeds??
they are already coming up...
not possible...
oh yeah come look...
so I went to look...
sure enough plants popping up...
unfortunately they are morning glories...
lol...he thought I had purchased magic seeds...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

laughing now over the morning glories. like this fence and really like the reflection. woo hoo chickens cluck cluck cluck

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

But the burning question.....

Did hubby put a can't-open-thing, on that gate??????????????????????

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Jan n Jer said...

Very nice macros...send me over some of those magic seeds..LOL

Debra Howard said...

Nice shots. I especially like that first one.

TexWisGirl said...

still hoping for shoots from my morning glory seeds!

Rose said...

I need magic seeds!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

A clothes line? HEAVEN! Love the smell of clothes off the line.

I just bought Morning Glory seeds. I hope mine are as magical as yours! :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

great shots. i've never planted morning glories. they sound fun. (:

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love hanging my clothes out to dry and well...I love morning glories too.