Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring forward....
the clocks move ahead on hour...
I wish they would just leave our clocks at the same time...
just let the darkness and lightness do it's natural thing...
there have been lot's of changes over the years...
when it starts...when it stops...
if you would like to read more click on the
following link it is very interesting...
does your state following daylight savings time?
what do you think about it?

we have had a lot of rain here in Texas...
I know we need I'm not going to complain...
everything is sure turning green...
just in time for St. Paddy's Day...
the wild flowers are popping up everywhere...
I even saw bluebonnets....we hardly had any last year...

it is hard to believe but this week...
there were two days I didn't take not one photo with my camera...
that is very unusual for me...
I did get some shots with my phone of little britches...
I usually get shots or video of him every day...
by the time he is 18 I will have quite the collection...
Growing up little Britches...the book...or movie...
could be a best seller huh...
well to his Oma...Mommie...Nanny...Aunt...
actually I have a blog for is private...
only I can see it...with photos...videos...
snippets of our share with him...
when he's older...I guess a techie baby book...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

and you can get his blog printed in a book for him to keep. your pic today is perfect for springing forward. i am with you, leave it alone!!! just pick one and leave it.
really hard for me to believe you went 2 days without snapping. i think i went one day while i was sick.

Judy said...

Our state does and I don't mind it. I can't wait for our flowers to begin blooming again.

Jan n Jer said...

I love the longer daylight hours...but hate how the change messes with my sleep pattern. That is so nice to hear your keeping a special blog for your grandson...what a treasure this will be one day!

Jeanie said...

I do like the extra hour of light in the evening but I would be just fine if the time didn't change. Right now I am just missing that hour of sleep we all lost last night :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful set of captures, each one lovely on its own.

Janie said...

Good to hear that Texas got some rain. Maybe the drought is over.
Utah has daylight savings. Couldn't we adjust our lives to the daylight instead of manipulating the time?