Wednesday, March 21, 2012

well the sickies are doing better....
so far so good for my daughter and me...
(knock on wood)

I'm so I'm typing this...
my BFF from high school is awaiting her first grandchild...
a just seems like yesterday I was watching her
daughter growing up...
now she's about to be a Mommy...
sending up prayers for a easy delivery...

tomorrow my beautiful niece will be 20...
I'm so proud of the wonderful women she has become...
she is a college student...she is loving...caring...
a good christian...what more can ask for...

 this weekend I plan on getting my veggie garden planted...
last year I planted too early...
I hope I'm not running too late this year...


TexWisGirl said...

as wonky as this year's weather is, who knows?! :)

Linda said...

Glad the sick ones are feeling better and didn't SHARE it with you!

I envy your space for gardens! LD never forgets - or lets ME forget! - what a lovely garden he had at his house in Brownwood. It truly was a good garden....and still is! Our renters put on ein every year and get lots of produce from it! That's the one thing he misses the most!

Anonymous said...

Deb, love the birthday pictures and sky! Thanks for sharing. You're a beautiful 5-0! Happy 50th Birthday! So glad you've been spared the yuck; saying a prayer for the sick ones.
We got our tomatoes in the ground just before the good rains we had the last two days. We have peas coming up. Better hurry! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Love your beautiful skies.
I was hoping to do some yard work and a little gardening this week but this morning we had snow that then turned into pouring rain. More of the same coming. No gardening for me this week.

anngeleyes said...

...beautiful sky...wonderful blog ... best regards from the Croatian... :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that first pic is the reason I have spent a lot of time the past week just staring up at the sky. that crystal clear blue with white puffs just makes me so happy. glad you are safe from the bug. i agree with Tex about the weather, who knows what it will do next.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Excellent news! That you and she, are still *bug-less.* ,-)

How long did it take each of the "sick ones," to come down with it? Like, the 1st one got sick on such-and-such a day, and the 2nd one got sick on such-and-such a day...

Couldn't that tell you, how long you have to worry, that you too, will get sick?

A possibility. :-)

Good luck with the weekend plans.

"I have made it a rule never to smoke more than one cigar at a time..."

~Mark Twain

Judy said...

I need to start cleaning the dead stuff out of my garden, so I can capture my crocuses better...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

My favorite, clouds in the sky. I take more pictures of clouds then anything else. I can't wait for that moment when I am waiting to become a grandmother! Hope all went well with your BFF.

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful sky pictures! Glad you are getting so much rain, but I am so sorry to hear that the flu is running through your family! Hop[e you all get well soon!