Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It is a hot one here in Texas today...
we are suppose to set a record for this date...
I refuse to turn on the a/c yet...
we are actually doing quite well with the fans running...
there is a nice breeze outside...
a hot breeze but the air is moving...

a great day for laundry...
the clothes are drying on the line nicely....
this morning as I was trying to get the first load hung up...
little britches was into everything...
I noticed a lot of butterflies flying around...
so I pointed them out to him...
he said touch it...I said if you can catch it...
he ran all over the yard chasing butterflies...
there were probally 20 of them flying around...
he never caught one...but it kept him busy for a minute or two...
I got the last items on the line anyway....

this reminded me of a story my Mom told me...
from when she was little...
she was a bit of a handful herself...
always up to something...
she always wanted to catch a bird...
so her Great Grandmother told her...
if you sprinkle salt on their tail they can't fly...
and you can catch one...
so off she went...with a salt shaker...
chasing birds...
kept her busy...
and nope she never caught one...
she said she realized when she was older...
if she got close enough to put salt on it's tail...
it would be easy to catch...

isn't it funny what adults come up with...
to keep children entertained...
so they can get work done...
do you have any good ideas to share????
As an Oma I can always use ideas...
to keep little britches busy for a minute or two...


TexWisGirl said...

too cute! whatever works!

Jeanie said...

I remember being told the same thing about putting salt on a bird's tail, but I don't remember if I ever tried it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been so long since i was around a small child i can't remember an. great idea on chasing those b flies and i have heard that salt on the tail my whole life. we are the opposite from you, we are having record breaking lows for this time of the year, 50's instead of 70's and high of 73 for past 3 days instead of 93. maybe we swapped weather

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

LOVE the salt shaker story...just might send Sam out with a shaker today....:)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

He IS at a very, very active and opinionated age, is he not? -giggles-

It's been so long since I took care of a near-2-year-old 'Grand', that I don't remember many tricks. But Kate was very opinionated too, so I must have had some. -chuckle-

If I get a memory-brain-wave, I'll be sure to share. ,-)

Bev said...

What about letting him make mud pies?.... maybe it would last 5 minutes:).... so envious of your warm is cloudy...windy and rain is on its way... I have two gs's here.... I said well tomorrow will be rainy...and the youngest said...'rain"?...I though it was suppose to snow... I'm just hoping it is just rain...enjoy your wonderful warm weather...

Janie said...

We're having hot days already, too.
I try to enlist the grandkids in whatever chore I'm doing. Sometimes that works for entertainment, sometimes not...

Cherrie said...

We had that heat wave last week and we broke a couple records too. Today was nice, we had a downpour this morning that cooled us off.

Carla said...

We do what we have to. LOL