Tuesday, April 24, 2012

when we were at the lake on sunday...
we saw some interesting sights...
there was a sky writer...

this fellow was paddling on a surf board...
all way across the lake...
it was a windy day...
I was impressed with the arm and leg strength he must have...
come to find out he was parked just a few vehicles over from us...

there were a lot of sail boats...
this one was getting turned around..
to head into the wind...

hubby found this piece of drift wood for me...
(we found you one too Mom...)

someone had a little mishap with their bobber...
I guess they didn't know you can't catch a fish in the tree...

there were lots of boats and jet ski's flying across the water...

I wonder how many were sunburned on Monday morning...

these ducks were riding the waves...
looks like they have done it before...
Rooster just sat and watched them...
after their swim...they had a little spa time...
and then they were off...

Happy Tuesday...
I have a new facebook page...
Debs Ladybug...
where I will be sharing frugal...and earth friendly
ideas I find...would love to see you...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

hubby would so love to do that paddle board thing. we used to see sky writers at the beach every time we went, but i think fuel prices stopped it here. surfing ducks made me laugh and daddy lost a many a bobber in trees. he fished with a can pole.

TexWisGirl said...

(i don't face, but thank you!)

i love that last shot of the ducks.

Carla said...

Fun and relaxing

Janie said...

I haven't seen a skywriter in ages!
Interesting to see the fellow paddling his surfboard.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That would take a lot of balance and arm strength to paddle across the lake like that. I have put several flies up in the trees like that bobber! The ducks are so cute.