Sunday, April 22, 2012

Today is Earth Day...
a day to celebrate our Earth...
no matter what your religious beliefs...
political beliefs...
color or creed...
we can all agree on one thing...
without the Earth....where would we be???

I've made changes around here...
I want the Earth to be a great place...
for little britches...for his children..

I no longer buy paper towels or napkins...
we use cloth napkins (made by my sweet Mom)
we use cloth towels (made by my sweet Mom)

I make my own dish washing soap...
cleaners....mosquito repellent...
laundry detergent (my Mom made the 1st two batches)
all with natural ingredients...
I hang most of my laundry on my clothes line to dry...
rarely use my dryer...
planted a veggie garden...
use a soaker hose to water it...
the majority of my shopping is at thrift stores...
I buy more fresh and frozen produce...
less canned and processed foods...
I hope these few little things...
combined with others doing little things...
will all add up to a better Earth...
I'm not writing this post to brag...or boast...
just to let myself see in print...
that I might be making a small difference..
what are things you do?
I would love to try more things...
any suggestions?


Joani said...

Happy Earth Day. Your plants look like they're doing great. Love the frog. My squash are blooming but not setting. As well as my cucumbers are doing the same thing. Thanks for sharing. Gonna be HOT today. 104.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just did a repost of 2009 recycle post i did that only 4 people saw, it tells what i do and have done for years. and we stopped the paper goods to, we were using 4 to 6 paper plates a day, times that to the 7 billion people on the planet. scary. if i find the citronella drops i will try the skeeter spray

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It does make a difference!
Thank you :)

Leontien said...

Happy Earth Day!

I think every little bit helps!

Big hugs

Jeanne said...

Very nice photos and great to share how you are "protecting the earth". We all need to do our share!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I am very proud of you Dear One!!!

Keep right on posting such. We all need a little push, to do more, to insure the continued life of our Dear Home Of Earth.

It’s one thing to be an individual;
but it’s another thing to be an individual
at the cost of the people around you.

~Jack Grisham

Susan said...

Even the smallest effort has a huge impact! Good for you!

Carla said...

Sounds like you're on the right track. What kind of fabric do you use to make your napkins