Thursday, April 5, 2012

This week has just flown by...
it is almost Easter...seems like yesterday...
it was Fat Tuesday...
seems like my days are a blurr of activity...
with my veggie garden...clothes line...
little britches of course...taking Rooster to the park...

researching home made cleaners etc...
this morning was our trash pick up day...
one of our workers always puts the trash out for me...
he asked my hubby have yall got poor all of a sudden...
I had to laugh...that is a good sign...
we have stopped using paper plates...paper towels...
paper napkins...started eating more fresh foods...
which of course means less packaging...
I took it as a compliment...

My Mom has made me a bunch of hand towels
from unbleached domestic...they work out perfect...
I keep a basket of them in the restroom...
with a basket to toss the used ones in...
she has also made me alot of cloth napkins...
they are so easy to laundry and pop on the line...
they dry really fast...

Today little britches and I made a birthday card for his Mommy...
tomorrow is my DIL's birthday....Happy Birthday Sweet Girl...
we also started working on a Easter project...
he really did a good job...will show tomorrow...


Tanna said...

Sounds like you and Little Britches had a great day. You are making me think about the cloth towels. Sounds like a good step to decrease our waste pile-ups!

TexWisGirl said...

good for you on cutting down on trash! love the butterfly shots. :)

Michaele said...

It is so cool how your mom jumps right in to help out with whatever you are doing. You DO sound busy! All good things going on there : )

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congrats on the neighbors noticing less trash, it means you are winning the battle. great captures of the butterfly. happy birthday to DIL today, enjoy your day and Happy Easter. i assume LB will be hunting eggs this week end.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Beautiful photos of the Monarch & Lady bug! Happy Birthday to you DIL and Happy Easter to all!

Deb said...

Pretty butterfly picture! Good idea on the homemade cleaners and cutting back on paper products. Saves money and the earth:)

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

BUSY! BUSY! I complain sometimes but I truly like it that way.
LOVE that you have your hand towels and napkins there and readily available!

Happy Easter to you and yours!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

A beautiful butterfly. Love the changes you are making. Our world appreciates it!

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful images of your little fliers.

A Colorful World said...

Great Monarch butterfly pictures! Oh, and I love how you are saving on paper products! You go girl! :-)