counting down to my next lake trip...
wow this has been a month so far...
we haven't had the heat wave like last year...
but it is still HOT....
I am thankful we are very busy with our business...
others in our trade are slow this year...
a statement was made by one of the higher ups...
not mentioning any names...
that no one starts a business without help from the higher ups...
well I beg to differ...most small business are started...
by hard working folks...with a small amount of money...
and lots of time and energy...
we started our business over 21 years ago...
with 2 young children...$200 total in the bank...
a hard working husband...putting in lots of hours...
with little in the office...a home office....
with 2 kiddos in tow...
we made it because we put our all in to it...
we didn't take grants..or hand outs...
we made it through major Hot checks....
through people not paying their bills...
never once asked the higher ups for help...
paid lots to the higher ups at every turn...
no fancy fancy pension plans...
no fancy cars or fancy houses...
instead hard working trucks...a nice HOME...
so Mr. Higher ups...don't take credit where it's not due...
My hats are off to all the small business'...
the family farms....
the local Mom and Pop shops....
the young people out their starting their own business...
you know what hard work is all about...
you don't take credit for things you didn't do...
you do own up to the mistakes you make...
you do not blame folks from the past....
cause when you make a hurts you....
your families...
when the higher ups make mistakes....
it usually doesn't touch their families...
but it sure hurts ours...
for some reason...we pay for our mistakes...
and theirs...
boy this post when a whole different direction than I had planned...
I try to keep it light and happy on here...
but sometimes I just have to shout a bit...
if you are still with me...thank you for listening...
if your not...well I respect that too...
On the good news DIL started a new job this week...
it is a trial run...hopefully it will become permanent...
my daughter has her official move into the new apartment date..
she is busy making her lists...checking them twice...
getting all her things packed up...boy does he have a lot of things...
I wonder where she got that from???
well I have lots to share with her too...
dishes and such....
one of her prize possession's she got from my Mom...
her Nanny...a snowball quilt made by Nana....
it is a very exciting time for her...
so happy I have Hotrod here so much...
the empty nest won't be too empty...
when he goes home I'm too tired to notice...
Happy Thursday.....