Friday, July 27, 2012

Today we went to my daughters dance camp show...
Hotrod tried to steal the show...
he also tried directing the show...
in a few years maybe...

this was a younger group of kiddos....
I just loved the art work...
they made their own puppets...had a puppet show...

they were very excited to answer questions...
show off what they learned for the week...

they did a very good job remembering the song..
and remembering their lines....

now isn't this a happy group...
the song was Mr. Postman...

it was a great group performance...

the camp was from 9-3...
they had dance classes...
musical theater..
singing lessons...
drum classes...
The teenage girls and my daughter got up at 3 am...
to be downtown Dallas...
at 4:30 be a part of the audience...
at a local news station...from 5-7 am...
they were representing our city and the Dance studio...
my daughter and several of the girls were on camera several times...
so of course I was up early watching to get a glimpse...


TexWisGirl said...

how cute are those kids. :) what a great program for them.

Anonymous said...

A lot of little cuties there. It is so much fun to watch kiddos perform and show what they have learned. These are great pictures sweet Deb. Hugs

SquirrelQueen said...

They are all so cute. It looks like everyone was having a great time. Activities like this are so good for kids.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Just precious... What fun, these kids must have!!!!!!

"Perfectionism is a dangerous state of mind
in an imperfect world."

~Robert Silliman Hillyer

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the dancing photos and of course HR in the first one. if i were there i would like to join the drum class, have always wanted to learn to beat a drum

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like they did an awesome job.
Love all the pictures.

Barbara said...

Hey Lady, Nice to visit with you again...I have a new blog design and I am trying to get back into posting but not on an everyday basis....I am doing some crafting and that takes time. Glad to see your ffamily , hope all is good at your house.

Carla said...

Wow what a cool program. Wish they had something like that around here when my daughter was younger.