Monday, July 2, 2012

Out takes....

it was very humid on Saturday...
so we made sure Hotrod kept hydrated....
I think Mickey was doing okay with it...

Hotrod was a good little model...
busy....but good....

I took his one year old photos at the same park...
boy has he grown since then....

This was one year old....
this was this year....
I have a really cute one of him laying
on his back on Mickey...
acting like he is snoring....
this was when he was rolling over to get up...
it was a fun shoot....
his Mommy liked how they photos turned out..
so it was a great day over all...


TxFarmhouse said...

There's nothing like sweet little boys!...unless it's sweet little girls too.

Jeanie said...

Isn't it fun to look back at old pics in the same spot to see how they have got some good ones.

Susan said...

Deb, I am so far behind on posts, but I really have enjoyed all the ones I missed. Hotrod is so darned cute. Aren't children amazing!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

PRECIOUS pics!!!!!!!!!! :-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow how much he has grown in a year and i love that last shot, the color the adorable toddler, so sweet.

TexWisGirl said...

he is a cutie.

(have been w/o internet for 3 days - just got it back. glad to be able to load blogs and comment as cell phones can only do so much!)

Diana LaMarre said...

That's neat to have pics taken at the same place a year apart.

It's humid here today. I am sweating just sitting here reading blogs.

Janie said...

Hotrod looks like he's enjoying his photo shoot. Two is such a fun age for growing and learning. I love seeing the kids improve their communication so much at age 2.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Hotrod is sure a cutie!

nancygrayce said...

Having traditional pictures taken is a great thing in my eyes! He's just too cute and oh, they grow up so fast!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You are so blessed. Can't wait for the day I can take pictures of a grandchild.