Friday, July 6, 2012

well I think I'm starting to feel back to normal...
even though it seems like we had two Mondays...

it has been a different two weeks...
I haven't had Hotrod on our normal schedule...
this week has been better...
hopefully soon all will be back to normal...

these are some more of my...
"just because I could photos"
everyone takes baby feet photos..
I decided to take hubby feet photos...
not quite as sweet or cute...

just a few days ago these chairs were full...
we were watching Hotrod play in the water...
blow bubbles...paint on the side walk...
and go potty like a big boy....
on the tree...well it is a start...
boys seem to like to potty in nature...
if that motivates....I say why not...
we aren't pushing it...
but he is starting to tell us...
especially when we are outside....
I like seeing these chairs full....
they look too lonely empty....


TexWisGirl said...

your first photo would be a great weekend reflections link-up. and little boys grow up to have big boy feet. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the big boy feet, they look fine to me. and you know i like that leaf. about the days, i just told bob i am having trouble thinking that tomorrow is Saturday it feels like tuesday

Laura said...

It sounds like you have been busy-
and yes, I agree -
boys enjoy 'nature'.

I hope you are surviving the heat!

Mercy, it's hot.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

New Photo Op Idea!!!! Adult feet shots!!! :-) Love it!

Gentle hugs,

nancygrayce said...

I like the adult feet shot idea......I'll have to try that sometime...:) I'm sure the husband will go right for it! I like all the chairs full too.....well except a little quiet is good too!