Saturday, July 7, 2012

my DIL and I took Hotrod to the sprinkle park this morning...
we were the first ones there...
it was really nice...
I didn't bring my camera...
I just wanted to splash and have fun....

sometimes I have to remember to be apart of things...
not just take photos of everyone ....
I'm trying to balance both....

my dill looks really tall from this angle...
I picked some and put in cucumbers with vinegar and onions...
it was really tastey...

my tomatoes have just about finished...
we have really had a bumber crop this year...
tomorrow I'm going to make another batch of pico....
I have watched some oldie but goodie movies this week...
Bad News Bears...
Thelma and Louise...


Linda said...

Sprinkle Park? Where is that?
I have never grown dill but I love the taste. Will have to try it next year. Or do a container garden of herbs when we get the camper down to the RV place.

I know what you mean about photos. I tend to document everything! I used to say Amber and Ben had a good childhood because I have PROOF!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I like the thought of sprinkle park, it sounds cool and refreshing. I love the angle on the dill, great shot. Your dill salad sound great too.
Yep, sometimes we have to put the camera down and enjoy the moment.

Dolores said...

Yes, I think it's good to sometimes forget the camera. I did that one year when we went to the beach.....actually, I felt lost without my camera, but it was also freeing.

I love the name 'sprinkle park'. ...sounds like fun.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is one big dill plant. tall as a tree... amazing what the camera can do. great idea to leave the camera home. i do find that i focus on things to snap if i have it. i need to remember your advice, like go to the beach with Bob and leave the camera home. have not done that since 2002.

MadSnapper n Beau said...
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Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


Leave the camera at home, some times. Enjoy what's going on, and make memories. You'll always have plenty of pic memories taken. :-)

-chuckle- Dill pic, taken at a *sneaky* angle. See, you are young and can bend down and kneel down and stuff..... To get super-sexy-cam-angles. Mmmmmmm, I can't. -grin-

"Long ago--say thirty-five years ago--a little girl used to wake on Sunday morning feeling that a whole life of happiness lay before her in the day."
~~From an excerpt from "Three Houses," Angela Thirkell's 1931 memoir

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

But of course!!! Now I am determined to try to get some super-sexy-cam-angle-pics!!! LOL.

If you get an email from"Uncle A." saying that "Auntie" is stuck in the front yard----Down on the ground---Trying to get *Different* cam shots... Well, you'll know what he's talking about. -giggles- And that he blames it all, on you!!!!!!! ,-))))))))))

"Long ago--say thirty-five years ago--a little girl used to wake on Sunday morning feeling that a whole life of happiness lay before her in the day."
~~From an excerpt from "Three Houses," Angela Thirkell's 1931 memoir

Craftymoose Crafts said...

LOL...I just make cucumbers & onion salad in vinegar with (ugh bottled) dill--didn't think to grow some--next year!

A Colorful World said...

Deb...I'm so behind! Forgive me! You made some great comments on my posts. I just hadn't been by yet to see yours since my surgery! Gotta say, pico sounds great! I started my tomatoes from seed later than I should have, and they are still small plants, so I drool every time I think of a fresh garden tomato! :-) My cucumbers are about done in this heat, but my squash is still going like crazy. My largest plant is five feet across and three feet high! I just canned some squash! We're getting plenty to eat and can. My okra plants are just coming up, and also I have four lima bean plants and a few other things. Anyway, have a great week with this "cooling" trend....we're supposed to get it soon too, though today the heat index is 120 from what I heard. YUK! :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!!! What is a Sprinkle Park? Hugs

Judy said...

Love that capture of the morning glory!!

Carla said...

A sprinkle park? I think I know what that is but not sure.
Sound cool and wet. I've seen all those movies and I think my fav is LaBamba