Monday, July 9, 2012

I love summer....
we are having a cool front...
it's in the mid to upper 90's this week...
I know in some areas...that is hot...
in Texas....
that is a cool front....

watching the news lately really is a downer...
it doesn't matter what station you watch...
all you hear is doom and gloom...
I know we have a lot of problems in the United States...
something definately needs to be done about it...
if your political or not political...
there is a lot at stake this election....
please make your voice heard...
the status quo is not working...

I love the United States...
I love Texas...
I love my family...
I don't want to to see it all suffer...
 it's time for us to pull ourselves up by our boot straps...
kick some folks to the curb...
use some common sense...
we can't expect the government to take care of all our needs...
some programs will have to go...
communities will have to take care of each other...
families will have to work together...
stop the government crazy spending...

okay I'm off the soap box...
I can't promise I won't jump back on...
from time to time...


Jeanie said...

Very well said and I fully agree.

Katie said...

I love your soapbox and I fully agree also! AMEN.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto what you said, agree 100 percent. I LOVE that second photo, the blur man behind it, just beautiful.. getting on your soap box is fine with me as long as you don't forget to Snap Snap snap

Nancy said...

Looks like a great day at the lake.

I stay away from political issues on the Internet -- it's my space to chillax. :) But I respect your right to voice your opinions, of course!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Do please jump back on this Soap Box, any time you wish! I'm right here, cheering you on and clapping for your words!!!!!!!!

So coooool photo op, again. A portrait taken through a spider web... Coooool!


A Colorful World said...

Praying for change...worried it won't come. I'm going to send you an email about this...hope that's OK.

nanny said...

You tell it sister!!!! Love it!
Gotta love that Texas cold front/ha

Linda said...

Preach it, sister!!

Cherrie said...

Right on!