Monday, January 21, 2013

 Come out come out where ever you are.....
going to the park with a little boy is tons of fun...

 there is an adventure in everything you see...
moving fast is the name of the game...

 playing with your shadow brings lots of giggles...
stepping on Oma's shadow...even funnier...
walking with your Pawpaw and Rooster...
asking tons of questions...noticing cool stuff at every turn...

Seeing Mommy and Daddy at the end of the trail....
is the cherry on top....
A sunday morning trip to the park...
good for the soul....good for the mind...
good for the body...
we walked over a mile on our adventure...
Hotrod was still going..and going...and going...
spent another 30 minutes on the play ground...


TexWisGirl said...

the one of him with his shadow is precious. :)

Linda said...

What fun!! Great pictures!!

Bev said...

So much fun...and they grow up sooo fast!!

Debra Howard said...

Oh he is such a cutie! Hoping to have my own little grandbaby this August! Can't wait!
Blessings to you

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that last picture! I think it should be framed and given to Mommy and Daddy. Perhaps, be given to Mommy, on Mother's Day... :-)


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

And of course, I love-your-new-header-pic-to-pieces!!!!

Oh you are going to have to go-far, to *dare* to find another pic, to replace this one. -giggggles-

But! Come to think of it! You could crop the lovely last pic. To just a close, long rectangle of just Mommy and Hotrod. With her arms out like that, waiting to envelope him in a mommy-hug.

And that just MIGHT be the next Header pic change. Might! -grin-


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorite is the shadow HR and the header shot is a close second.. love both of these... a boy, his dog and his paw paw...

Susan said...

Oh, oh, oh, I love this post. Hotrod is getting so big!!!! How fun!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like he had fun on that walk!

Judy said...

Now, if we could only harness the energy of toddlers, we could power the world!!