Thursday, January 24, 2013

when did our language start declining???
I mean when did it become acceptable to use the words
people use now....
one of on the top of my list is....
Bitch or Bitches...
a female dog
a female of canines generally.
Slang .
a malicious, unpleasant, selfish person, especially a woman.
a lewd woman.
Disparaging and Offensive . any woman.

that was the original meaning...
 it is used for all females...for friends...etc...
I don't want to be called one...
I don't call my friends that...
I don't call females that...
when did it become a term of endearment or maybe not...

the F word is used as freely as saying Hello or good bye...
It still shocks me every time I hear it...
growing up I was told using cuss words...
only showed your ignorance...
it sure does make it hard raising kids now days... in public...
you just never know when it will pop up...
another pet peeve of mine is men calling their wife's or girlfriends...
my old lady...
just seems disrespectful...

I'm off my soap box now....

for now any way...till something else drives me nuts...


Judy said...

These are cute photos! I cringe every time I hear the "F" word. My husbands older brother always calls his wife "old lady", I can't stand it. My husband would never do that, but I also warned him when we were first married not to (lol)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the hunters in the first shot, and the almost face in the next one. and i agree, the words are out of control. and have become common and i will never like them. my hubby knows not to say any word like old, fat, mean in the same sentence with me...

Bev said...

Good rant...and I agree!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The soapbox is okay, I agree with you totally!

Susan said...

I agree with you all the way! Especially the F word. I just hate, hate, hate hearing it.

Tanna said...

Applause from the gallery. Decline is an apt description. Great photos! blessings ~ tanna

Linda said...

I absolutely agree with you!!!!

Linda Hoye said...

I'm with you. I'm stunned every time I hear someone use the "F" word in general conversation. I guess I'm old fashioned but I just don't think it speaks well of a person to use such language.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Totally agree Deb! I hate the F word and we never talk that way around here. However, my daughter who is 22 will have a potty mouth at times and I get so disgusted. Her generation seems to be more that way especially with the bitch part to each other.
Good pics too!

Nancy said...

Deb -- I don't use the word b*tch at all to my recollection...

but being married to an iron worker, the f*ck work does work it's way into my vocabulary (just at home, just between him and me) sometimes.

I guess it depends on where you are and who you are with. Doesn't bother me much to tell the truth. But I loved the fact you expressed your opinion. xo

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

That video, a lovely, light, sweet, precious few moments, in a very dark film. If I remember correctly......

You step up on your Soap Box, any/every time you feel like it!!! That's what our blogs are for. Not just for cute and pretty.


A Colorful World said...

I agree...hate the way people talk nowdays and the lack of respect! Give me the good old days!

Oh, I love that movie!

Deborah Hamilton said...

AMEN, sister!

Nonnie said...

I couldn't agree with you more!

Judy said...

I love that shot of Hotrod from under the stairs!!!
I agree about the profanity! We could sure do with a lot less! Every so often, I have to remind husband to use sexual or scatalogical, rather than religious profanity. That is the only concession he will give me, and it took ten years to wiggle that much out of him...

Anonymous said...

Deb, I so agree with you. I get offended to hear such disregard and disrespect toward others - doesn't matter who it is. I think that people with vile mouths have heart issues. Good post. Thought provoking, too.