Friday, December 6, 2013

The kids in North Texas are celebrating...
schools are all closed today....
Texas is having a winter ice storm...
we were 79 on Wednesday....
it is 28 this morning....
lower than that with the windchill....

the high today is 28....
ice is still falling....
this is NOT my kind of weather....

I went yesterday morning to stock up....
so did everyone else...
some stores shelves were bare by the end of the day...

Rooster is in the laundry room....
Nolan is in the office....
they don't get along....

This post was going to be about brothers...
but I had to start with the weather...
it is a big deal here in Texas to get ice and snow...
we aren't set up for it all...

Brothers.... best friends...
wrestling mates...
mischief makers....

my Hubby and his brother are 360 days apart...
so they were basically like twins....
they would
but their friends learned really quick...
don't get involved if they were fighting...
because they would then turn on you....
they would go from fighting with each other...
to being a strong team together....

these two were constantly picking at each other...
but you could see the brotherly love between them...

most of these photos stemmed...
from me asking to get a photo of them shaking hands....
stay warm my friends....
my plans are to stay inside...
finish Hallmark Christmas movies...
get more deep cleaning done....


MunirGhiasuddin said...

Winter storm in Texas is so very rare.
Kids here are not dressed appropriately. I guess it is OK for Texans to under dress.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am with you on the Christmas movies.. love them lots... are these boys twins? and oh noooooo on the ice storm.. we were so happy the cold front stopped north of us...

TexWisGirl said...

our first day of winter and i've lost power over here 3 or 4 times already. *sigh* doesn't bode well...

Michelle said...

I just love these pictures on the bridge. We let out of school early today. Sleet and snow for us in KY.

Judy said...

I used to want twins, till I had my elder daughter. I am not very far off the mark when I say the last easy thing about her was conception...