Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I did a little playing...

Tuesday we were 81...
today woke up to 45....
the wind is blowing...
a very cold breeze...
well it's better than 52 years ago...
Mom said their was snow and ice on the ground...

I've been so enjoying all the Birthday wishes...
it's fun having them all pop up on my phone...

I finally figured out how to....
change a photo to black and white...
then add pops of color back....
just took a little research....
Did it on Picmonkey....
love that site...

Hubby got my tub all installed...
had a nice long soak...
slept like a puppy last night...
would have said Baby...
but most Babies don't sleep well...
but every puppy I know does...
Happy Hump Day....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

woo hoo on the new tub and learning more stuff in PM... love the red bucket pic

Nancy said...

Saw your color splash edits on FB -- great job Deb!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the pictures. Also liked your thought on sleeping like a puppy, that is so true!!!

Michelle said...

You are right about sleeping babies! lol I also use picmonkey and love it.