Sunday, March 9, 2014

I woke up Saturday morning...
with the need for Spring....(surprise surprise)

the weather didn't really co-operate...
but I made do....
(these photos are from a few weeks ago)

Hubby and I headed to Lowes....
the garden center...
for some potting soil....
well they had their Knock out roses 50%....
I grabbed 2....

I love I got a pack of them....
and a few more flowers....
2 big old bags of potting soil...
you know the kinda that you need a Hubby to lift...

I got the rose bushes planted....
all the flowers planted...
Hubby dug 6 big holes....
to plant our grapes...blueberries....blackberries...and raspberries...
I planted the last of the onions....
Today....I plant the seeds for our garden....
Tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, squash,
peppers, spinach....
The weather doesn't look like Spring today either...
but I'm going to make the best of it....
Hubby got my claws foot tub moved to our big bathroom...
going to get it refinished this week....
Hopefully by this time next week...
I can fill up my big old tub...
light the candles...turn on some tunes...
and let Calgon take me away.....


TexWisGirl said...

it's been gray and damp for a while, hasn't it? :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

daddy planted all those veggies except no spinach,he planted every green there is but not that and now i wonder why.... can't wait to see a photo of your clawfoot tub. i love the look of them... hurry spring to Texas

Linda said...

I hope you have an AWESOME garden!!!
Is this bathroom the gorgeous black marble one???
Due to the weather and me feeling badly this week we didn't go down to the ranch. The thing is we WILL be going this Friday so that means I won't be home to go to the Fun Girls night.....:(
I would love to host in April! Let me know the dates that would work for you gals. Some Saturday at 6:00? Vernon could come and hang out with Louis Dean! We have a fire place in the back yard they could play with. NOTHING as awesome as yours though!! We're off to spend Sunday afternoon with the quads!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like you have a great garden planted. My hubby is out buying some dirt and flowers right now. You pictures are so pretty!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you will be enjoying that tub! I would be too! I have one outside, in a secluded spot, for summertime soaks.

Nancy said...

I've been thinking about my garden lately -- but it will be a couple of months before it's safe to put anything outside. Love the photos!

Diana LaMarre said...

I love to spring forward, but hate the fall back in November!

It was 54 degrees in the frozen tundra (Michigan) today. We are all giddy with excitement for spring now!!