Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Friend Photo Shoot...

 I did a little photo shoot with my friend...
we've know each other since high school...
 her kids and my kids are close in age....
so we have kept in touch off and on through the years...
 we both still live in the same town...
her son got married in the fall...
her youngest daughter is getting married this spring...
 she is one of my craft/fun girls group....
 I would love to do individual photo shoots...
with each of my friends...and family members...
I'm hoping they will all co-operate with me...
 I really enjoy seeing the change in people...
from the first few photos to the last ones...
usually by the end...
they are relaxed and having fun with it...
my serious little niece is even coming around....
I can now actually get her smiling...
but to me photos don't have to be all smiles...
I like seeing personalities...


TexWisGirl said...

i like the last one and the 3rd from last in front of the blossoms. :)

Linda said...

You're right!! Guess it takes awhile to get comfortable in front of the camera! She looks GREAT!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the last two are my favorites... i don't have anyone to practice portrait skills on. bob will not let me and two friends refuse to even let me snap their photo at lunch.... maybe i could find a few strangers.

Judy said...

Some people are just not big on smiles...
Think of Karsh's famous photo of Sir Winston Churchill - that bulldog scowl is priceless!!!
I admire your courage in capturing people!! I am still feeling so much safer with the inanimate...

Nancy said...

Very nice Deb!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Lovely, what a great photo shoot!

Michaele said...

The second to last one is my favorite. Shows a little fun. : )

Carla said...

Mine haven't come around. They give me flack and lots of hand signals when they see my camera. One day I will prevail.
Thanks for sharing your photos.