Monday, March 10, 2014

we started the day with a beautiful sunrise...
 the sun was was a nice warm day....
a good day to be outdoors....
so we took advantage of it...
 Hotrod talked Pawpaw into getting the helicopter out....
I think Pawpaw crashed more than Hotrod...
 Hotrod is really into jumping now...
when he was little he liked sitting on the logs...
now he's climbing on them...
jumping off....
 Nolan may be old and blind...
but he manages to get in on the action...
he still likes to tell us what he thinks...
 Got a little wink from the Hubby...
wearing his $2 hat from the Dollar Store...
Hotrod finally gave it back to him...
 We sold the Honda motorcycle over the weekend...
I was a little sad to see it go...
but I had stopped riding with Hubby...
just getting to dangerous on the roads...
he didn't enjoy riding by himself...
so it was time for it to find a new home...
Hotrod decided to wear Pawpaw's helmet...
water our onion plants....
well you never know...watering could be dangerous...
 meet grubby the grub worm...
Hotrod spent 45 minutes playing with him...
tell he dropped it...
I think grubby ran for his life...
 Hubby bought a bunch of sinks...
this one was broken on the bottom...
so I decided to turn it into a planter...
we had a fun filled day....
I'm a tired Oma...


TexWisGirl said...

the helmet was cute. :)

Jeanie said...

Great pics of your day. I love the one of Hotrod in his hat and glasses.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish you could bottle his energy and send me just a little of it... that is a good deal on the hat, 2 dollars for 2 men to wear it... LOL...great idea on the sink. i once planted impatiens in an old commode and sat it in the garden in our back yard.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a great day, love all the pictures and the sink planter is adorable!