Friday, March 7, 2014

On the move....

 what does a little boy do when he gets to go outside???
run....kick balls....
 pick up balls....
 Chase balls....
 tease Rooster with the ball.....
 throw the ball over the gate to Rooster....
 play soccer with Rooster...
 take the ball from Rooster.....
then Rooster takes the ball back....
so you find another ball to play with....
then you run some more....
chase the dogs...
are you tired yet??
he wasn't...
I was...
but what fun it is to watch him....


Sue said...

Your grandson is SO cute! And of course your pictures, as always are beautiful!

Take care,

TexWisGirl said...

good think those boys have each other!

Linda said...

It's also fun to get to see his pictures of the day!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the butt shot

Michaele said...

Cute action shots. Bet the playmate was tired.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those pictures are adorable! He certainly had a fun time.....