Thursday, June 12, 2014

 I took photos of my brothers family recently...
I sent them a few review shots...
I got a text message back...
telling me they were good photos...
but could I please not put my name where it was visible...
(not exact words...but same meaning)
couldn't I put it in the bottom right hand corner...
(exact words)....
 aren't family grand....
it is raining here today....
the good kind...not the hard run of kind...
I spent an hour last night pulling weeds from the garden...
that was just in one little spot...
more to do tonight...
I wasn't able to do any over the weekend...
plus we had rain...
so you know what that means...
they are growing like crazy....

my Mom and good friend D...
said I should have a weed pulling party...
with vegetables as a reward....
I just might have to do that....

June is a busy month...
with birthdays...Father's day...
dance recital....
thank goodness for gift cards...
Happy Thursday...
just over the hump day....


TexWisGirl said...

i like the last shot a lot. :)

hooray for good rain!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hooray for rain, we have had it 3 times 3 days.. i love the last photo, really cool shot. for petes sake is all i have to say on the name in the corner. professional photographers put their name on them

Michelle said...

If you do the work, your name deserves to be on the photos.

Judy said...

They are good shots!!! Happy that your family likes to have their photos taken, as mine do not...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The pictures are really cute!