Friday, June 20, 2014

 It has been recital week here....
23 years of dance....
it's a lot easier on me now...
I'm just the Oma...
this is String Beans second recital...
they are tapping to Singing in the rain...
 It is a lot easier on me now that my daughter is a teacher...
not a student...
in 13 or 14 dances...
with 13 or 14 costumes...
numerous rehearsals.... buy or make....
 I won't be in the dressing room helping girls change...
making sure costumes are complete...
hair is perfect...
spraying hair spray...
putting on false lashes...
finding bobby pins...or safety pins....
I just get to show up and enjoy the show...
 I also get the chance to take photos...
of some really cool girls...
I wish I would have had my cool camera...
back when my daughter was performing...
oh boy could we of had fun...
 All the Mom's and dancers...
will be able to take a big sigh of relief...
on Sunday...
all the hard work....dedication...
will have paid off...
or lessons would have been learned...
what to do...or not to do next time...
 a lot has changed in 23 years...
but a lot has stayed the same....
 Having a boy tap dancer... (String Bean)
is a piece of cake...
no hair or make up to worry about...
just get dressed...
go on stage...
everyone thinks your cool...
Hubby is firing up the smoker today...
getting the food ready for String Beans birthday party...
our sweet (some times not so sweet) boy...
turning can that be....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

all of your dancer photos are AWESOME... i know they love them...

TexWisGirl said...

that year flew by. good luck with the recital!

Michelle said...

Best of luck with the recital! My daughter used to do dance and recitals were stressful!

Linda said...

Do you miss it? I miss Amber's synchro days......

Judy said...

I love the old fashioned feel of that first image!!! Something about the balloons!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love that String Bean is tapping. These photos are awesome, great job!