Monday, June 2, 2014

 my niece is a hoot...
she is a Daddy's girl all the way....
 she has never enjoyed the camera...
but....when you ask her....
 to be silly....
well the girl knows just what to do....
she also knows how to be sweet....
this has been a world wind Monday....
our temps are heating up here in Texas...
I had to break down and turn on the air conditioning
in my office today...
when it hits 85 inside....I can't take it anymore...
Today I was checking our business banking account...
there was a $3000 charge on it...
nothing I recognized.....
called in on it... it was to a Dentist...
charged on Sunday...
now I have to cancel a card...tons of paperwork...
not fun...
the joys of our modern day world...


TexWisGirl said...

i have that happen on my card about every 2 years. grrr...

your brother and his family are cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no on the aggravation of the card.. sheer aggravation.. love the silly pics

Judy said...

Good thing you checked the account!!
And you got some wonderful images of that family! Remember when photos were so rare that you had to sit still and look your best? Didn't dare be silly!!!

Judy said...

Good thing you checked the account!!
And you got some wonderful images of that family! Remember when photos were so rare that you had to sit still and look your best? Didn't dare be silly!!!

Michelle said...

Glad you were able to catch that error.

Angie said...

Cute pictures!
I've been running my AC since the first of May!

Hope you get the charge lined out!!