Wednesday, June 18, 2014

String Bean....

 He started off as Little Britches....
then we moved up to Hotrod... he is turning 4....
he will be String bean....
cause that is what he reminds us of now...
Pawpaw calls him slim...
 we got out the checker game...
but he didn't like the way you play checkers...
he had his own ideas how it should be played...
Red should go on on black...
so...we played blocks instead...
I think kids should be playing in mud....
not video games or TV....
99% of the time.... is usually just the opposite...
all this play came from his imagination...
all I provided was dirt...water...buckets...
trucks and shovels...
he took over from there...


TexWisGirl said...

he really is stretching out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good for his mind, his body and his soul... and Ginger looks happy to while she watches SB dig and slop...

Catherine said...

I agree! Kids should play outside it is so much better; using their imagination. Perhaps another Walt Disney could be in the making..
Blessings, Catherine

Linda said...

I agree with you!!! Amber's babies are getting dirty these days and that makes me smile! I can't believe how 'String Bean' has grown!!!

Judy said...

He sure is getting tall!!! Getting to be a big boy!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

String bean is getting tall! I agree, kids should be outside playing.....