Sunday, October 5, 2014

 Duke is growing like a weed...
he is such a sweet guy...
he is also very adventurous...
he likes to climb....

 who you looking at???
can't a fellow take a little dip...
without a audience....

 this is new...
a beach in the middle of the yard...

coming in for a landing....
Saturday was a nice day...
we were able to open up the windows...
get a little fresh air...
the sun was was beautiful....
Mom and I went to a festival in downtown...
found some cool ideas...
Hubby and I went to the movies...
It has been a couple of years since we went to a movie...
we went to an AMC that has recliners...
very comfy...
A couple was sitting down the row from us...
the lady kept going to sleep...
snoring very loudly...her husband kept trying to wake her up...
rather loudly looked like she may have had
surgery on her was all bandaged up...
I'm thinking the pain meds kicked in...
the comfy chair...dark theater...
We enjoyed the movie...


eileeninmd said...

Cute bunny and I love the bird photos.. Happy Sunday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that screeching to a halt bird landing... ha ha on the beach. good for you having a DATE

Glennis said...

The last photo is very spectacular, but I like the lazy bunny. Long ago I had a bunny for a pet, they make great pets.

Karen Whittal said...

So cool to be back blogging and catching up on what I have missed the past 2 years.
As usual love your pictures, you still have your gift.

Judy said...

Love the starling coming in for a landing!!

Carla said...

Yes I'd say the pain meds must have kicked in. How funny.
I couldn't tell you when the last time David and I went to the movie it's been so long