Wednesday, October 8, 2014

 We are having Summer weather in October here in Texas...
We actually had a mild summer...
compared to most...
Yesterday was the hottest October day on record...
98 degrees...

 I have been expanding my pallet...
I tried pumpkin...
which as far as I know...
I have never ate before...
I made Paleo pumpkin muffins...
very pleased with how they turned out...
Stringbean also approved..
I have been putting pumpkin in my smoothie also...
I bought a pumpkin...
baked it...and pureed it...
used Pioneer Woman's directions..

 I also bought a pomegranate...
I have never tried it...
yep...I like it too...

 I'm really enjoying the variety
of fruits and veggies...
how much better I feel without processed food...

 I need all the energy I can get...
to keep up with Stringbean...
and the Zoo around here...

My daughter has started selling Jamberry nails...
if you are interested in them let me know...
I will send your her site...
they can be ordered on line...sent directly to you...
she put a set on me last week toes and fingers...
 they are still on...
when I wear nail polish it chips...
these are basically stickers on your nail...
they go on easy...and come off easy...
there are 100's of styles to choose from...
Happy Hump Day....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are having record heat for oct to...i love pumpkin pie but that is the only way i ever ate it

Linda said...

This is so NOT fall weather!!!! Love the photos - as always! I love all things pumpkin! Did you know pumpkin is really good for allergies??? Works for humans as well as canines!
Hope it is COOL by October 25th!!!

Michelle said...

I eat a variety of squash, but have never been a fan of any variety!