Monday, October 6, 2014

 we woke up to cloudy dark skies...
had a little rain storm...
then the sun popped out...
Hubby...Stringbean...Rooster and I snuck off to the lake...
yep October 6th...the water was chilly...
but Stringbean said...
Come on in...the water is fine...
a saying he has learned from his Pawpaw...
nice and warm outside the water...

 Stringbean likes to go out far...
Pawpaw was braving the cold water...
Oma stayed on the bank...
throwing the ball to Rooster...

 Stringbean loves the water...
I can not believe how brave he has become...

 we brought a picnic...
after that it was rock skipping time...

 he gets him form from Pawpaw...
he puts everything into his throws...

 you don't want to be too close...
sometimes the rock comes loose...
at the wrong place...

 he actually got a skip or two out of a few...

 he is very determined...
has his own ideas how to do things...
when he finally listened to Pawpaw...
he got much better...
he reminded me of a surfer dude in this one...
I had to conceal his identity though...
can't ever be to safe these days...


Catherine said...

Looks like a great day. ~ Catherine

Linda said...

What a great time y'all had!!!!
You are the BEST Oma ever!!! I love how y'all go to the lake often. I so wish we did!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that last shot... you should all be getting really strong arms from all that throwing of balls and rocks

Judy said...

Looks like you had a great time!!!