Saturday, November 5, 2011

believe it or not it is cold in Texas...
we had to find our jackets...
it's been such a long time since we've used them...


this had been a week of reflections...
remembering the good times...
funny stories...
sad stories....

making decisions that will reflect well later...
getting back in touch with folks that you haven't
been in contact with in years... did all that time pass...
finding out that a cousins daughter was runner up
in Americas next top model in 2007...
finding out how many grandkids the cousins have....

remembering their faces from all those years ago...
wondering will they look the same...
looking at yourself in the mirror..
wondering who is that reflection in the mirror...
because on the inside you still feel 21...
but the reflection tells a different story...
the laugh lines...the crows feet..
the touches of gray you try so hard to color in...
the scar from when you were 7...
the freckles that never faded...
then someone tells you still look the same...
and you smile...wondering where they got their glasses...
cause you want a pair just like them....

Today I'm joining Weekend reflections


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Gentle hugs Dear Friend, for this weekend, which follows a heavy week.

Gentle hugs,
"Be like the sun and the meadow,
which are not in the least concerned
about the coming winter."

~ George Bernard Shaw

MadSnapper n Beau said...

every time we go to a funeral, all the family says, we never see each other until someone dies, and we are going to do better and get together, then the next funeral comes along and we say the same thing. about reflecting while looking in the mirror, oh no for me. my mother lives in the bathroom mirror.

Jan n Jer said...

There is always reflecting moments when you go to a funeral! I had to laugh at your comments about looking in the mirror. I try not to look there too much!!! Growing older is not for the meek n mild!

Deb said...

Love that first photo. Very pretty.

TexWisGirl said...

this was awesome, deb. :)

Linda said...

I can tell this has been a hard week for you and as usual you have handled it with grace. Thank you for sharing your heart and insights with us. I think you have been a blessing to more people than you can imagine.

Nancy said...

A wonderful post, Deb -- and your photos reflect the changes going on in your world.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend. :)

Cherrie said...

So sorry about your Father-in-law's passing!

Kay said...

The first photo is my favorite.


Judy said...

Deb, I hadn't realized I have been away so long! My deepest sympathy to you and all who mourn the passing of your FIL!! He sounds like he may have been crusty, but was still well loved!
I love the first photo, the little flowers that look a bit like asters!!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

Such a sweet reflection, Deb. I'll take a box of those glasses to hand out at our next family get-together!