Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I don't know where my head has been...
for some reason I thought we had another week till
I guess I lost a week somewhere...

today started off warm and humid...
it is ending cold and breezy....

now that we are doing  mexican food for Thanksgiving...
I'm trying to decide how I want to do my table...
think I'm gonna incorporate a little latin flare...

I'm looking forward to having the whole family
together for a happy occasion...
we will draw names for Christmas...
hopefully get my Christmas card photo done too...
I've got my shopping done for little britches...
it's so much fun buying for kids again...
already have some ideas for the person I draw...
no matter which one it is...
Hubbys birthday is the Sunday after Thanksgiving...
want to do something special for him...
hopefully a little get away...
I will be no where near the stores the weekend after Thanksgiving...
are you a black Friday shopper?
or do you steer clear like me??


TexWisGirl said...

totally stay away from anything shopping related. :)

those 'ducks in a row' are too cute in that first shot!

Bev said...

Love those ducks...they are soo soo cute!!
And I LOVE Black Friday...but remember I have only experienced it once...and can hardly wait to do it again!!

(I was in JoAnnes for 3 hours last year waiting to get material cut..poor poor lady cutting it...but remember when we are at Black Friday...we are on holidays...and we have nothing else to do!!:) Oh I LOVE America! We don't have Black Friday...Boxing Day sales...which I would avoid and NEVER go I guess we are the same...LOL

Jeanie said...

Thanksgiving does seem to have come up very quickly this year.
We are having a Mexican food Thanksgiving also. I'm feeling like things can be a little less formal.
Absolutely no Black Friday shopping for me.

Sue said...

I love the duck photos. I have my grandkids gifts already too. I love buying for them. When I shop early for them, its nice to have it done but, I keep wanting to buy more for them!!

Take care, Sue

Diana LaMarre said...

I know what you mean about time escaping.

No, black Friday shopping for me. I am always working so can't go. Although this year I am taking that Friday who knows....

SquirrelQueen said...

Looks like you're getting your ducks in a row too, we were thinking alike today. Those guys are cute.

There is no deal, no matter now fantastic, that would get me anywhere near a store on Black Friday.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I thought we had another week till Thanksgiving as well. I stay away from the Black Friday shopping. I'm more of a cyber Monday gal.

deb duty said...

Thanksgiving snuck up on me too! Mexican food sounds fun! Luckily, I'm not the one cooking the main meal this year.

Nancy's Notes said...

Those ducks are absolutely precious, awesome photos! Have fun getting ready for turkey day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I only shopped one time on Black Friday, my first and my last. to much for me.
when you get your table set, post a pic for us. Christmas is so much better when children are involved.

Seeing Each Day said...

it certainly sounds as if you're on top of things - not that i rarely manage it but it always does help when preparation up to Christmas is planned. Love the combination of the 2 white & black ducks in your photo.

Anonymous said...

not a shopper, least of all a black friday shopper =0 too many people...

the ducks are too cool! =)

Judy said...

Love these ducks, Deb! Odd that the three of them are sticking together - one black and 2 white! Did you notice the reflections of their heads and beaks in the water?

Linda said...

Steer CLEAR!!!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

It's perfectly understandable for you to have gotten mixed up on dates. You have had a busy and emotional time, around there.

Do we do Black Friday? Nope.

Gentle hugs,
I don't think a really good pie can be made without a dozen or so children peeking over your shoulder as you stoop to look in at it every little while. ~John Gould

Nancy said...

Your photos remind me of that song, Little Black Duck. Good memory.

I have no idea what I'm doing for the holidays. With the economy the way it is, not sure how much or how little we will be buying.