Thursday, November 10, 2011

Today I'm joining Friday Fences
Little britches and I were both a little cranky today...
so we decided to head to the park for a walk...

a little sunshine...
good for the soul...

I'm still trying to get used to the time change...
in the morning I wake up too early...
at night I want to go to be too early....

we  actually have cool fall weather here in Texas...
jackets are needed especially in the morning and night...
My niece turns one year old this weekend...
seems like she was just born ....
we are all trying to get back into the swing of normal life..
seems like we have been on hold....
looking forward to the weekend....
Thank you all for your cool Christmas card ideas...
the wheels are turning in my head....
what is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
Mine is having everyone together...
cranberry sauce...left over turkey...


Tanna said...

I haven't adjusted to the time change either, Deb. A good walk is a cure for crankiness and a lot of other ills! LOL! Glad you and Little Britches were able to enjoy a good one! blessings ~ tanna

genie said...

Love the reflections of the fencing in the water. So pretty. Know you all had a nice walk. I am having trouble this year with the time change. Maybe it is my age. I am tired all the time for no reason. genie

Judy said...

I'm loving the reflections here. I'm still not used to the time change either.

Lesley said...

I like how the newer fence tries to mimic the old one.

penny said...

That's a really cool shot of the fence, Deb.
I too go to bed and rise to early.
My favorite is giving thanks for all that we have and sharing the bounty with those less fortunate.

Hugs n smiles,
Pam :)

Jan n Jer said...

Great the first one!
It takes me a few weeks to get used to the time change...makes for such a long evening!
What do I like about Thanksgiving??? Everything!!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

this would be a great link-up to weekend reflections too. :)

i hope you get a chance to catch up this weekend and clear your head a bit too...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the fence shots are fantastic, i like the upside down reflections. great all of these. and my hubby's potato stuffing that he makes using him mothers Dutch recipe is my favorite and then turkey

Rose said...

I love that you put the reflective, fence upside down shot first! I need to go back and see what you are talking about when you mentioned Christmas card ideas...

I like everyone being together at Thanksgiving..though there are so few of us now it isn't the same.

My fence is at Time Stand Still.

Mary said...

Stunning! I love the first photo because it made me really really look.

Judy said...

Deb, I love the first couple of shots - the way the water distorts the fence ever so slightly!!
Fresh air and exercise are good for whatever ails you!!!
Hope you are less grumpy today!!

Kim, USA said...

Wow your shots are awesome! Happy weekend!

Fridays Fences

Buttons Thoughts said...

Great shots. I hear this one I fall asleep sitting up by 7 time change is apparently not good for me :)
I love the reflections and the distorted looking shot.B

Faye said...

Your photos, especially the first one, make me dizzy--in a good way! I love the fact that Thanksgiving is low key--not a lot of obligations. My favorite author releases a new book then. Reading it is what I'll be doing on Black Friday instead of shopping.

Dolores said...

I WISH we didn't have the time change. I'm having a hard time adjusting this year..

I love family getting together for Thanksgiving and all the yummy food....

Bridget Larsen said...

Both fences are very nice, one modern and both useful, walk is very good for the young ones
Bridget #22

Tracy said...

Great relection shots. You're right a little sunshine and nature is good for the soul.

Inger-M said...

Great fence shots. Nice reflections, and good depth.