Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekend Reflections

I took these last week on my little road trip...
I'm joining Weekend Reflections
I'm a little late joining in...
hubby and I have had a busy weekend...
we've been going Hog hunting...

yep you heard me right...
hog hunting...
they are every where here in Texas....
very over poplulated....
we were up at 4:30 am....
the first morning around 5:45 we started hearing noises...
we were sitting down on the river...
you could hear sticks breaking...
then pig noises....
we saw movement...
all of a sudden a hog was looking up at us...
grunting...not 20 ft from us...
my heart was racing...
tried to get a photo but was too scared...
down on the river there were atleast 4 more...
one was white and black marked like a jersey cow..
it was huge...
then they were gone...
my heart was still racing...
after I calmed down wishing I had got a shot...
a shot with my camera that is..
it was fun...a little thrilling...
we told some friends about it..
they wanted to go to...
so we went back in the evening...
we saw a skunk and a couple of coyotes..
but no hogs...
up at 4:30 am again...
back in the same spot waiting...
the hogs were a no show...
but we saw another skunk....another coyote...
after day break we went exploring...
we found numerous other spots..
where hogs have  been...
they can destroy a area fast....
so ever been hunting before??


TexWisGirl said...

haven't hunted myself, no. cool that you got to see them up close, though!

loved these reflection shots!

Joani said...

Hog hunting? That would be a no! There's a television show of people in Texas hunting the hogs. I tend not to watch. I would have been scared too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never have hunted other than with my camera. i do know hogs are dangerous. we have them here and they are very dangerous to dogs and people and destroy everything with their rooting. hog hunting is big here, not the kind i do though. lots of BBQ going on

Michelle said...

I have been hunting before. Interesting, but I prefer to sleep in!

Poopers AKA 2Ply said...

When I was little I was really excited to go deer hunting. I was going to put a rope around a deer's neck and lead it home for a pet. After I found out about what hunting really is I've never been too enthusiastic...

Maybe you'll get lucky and get some pics soon.

Bev said...

Wild hogs?? No way...that would be to much fun...what I picture is Old Yeller....the hogs chasing him up a tree:)

I have never been hunting......sound like you had a great time:)

Tanna said...

Nope, I haven't been hog hunting... but, my son and hubby go. My heart would have been racing too! great photos, Deb! blessings ~ tanna

Michaele said...

I am so trying to picture all of this. Huge black and white wild hogs. I get the scared part...

Jeanne said...

Had a wild hog charge me once down around the Colorado River, heard it coming crashing through the brush.... picked up a huge rock and when it broke out of the brush I charged it back with the rock ( too big for me to usually even pick up), and thankfully it turned and ran away. Totally made my hair stand up on end. Be careful of those hogs! Can be rather scary.

Linda said...

Never!!! But glad you are 'game' for a good time!!!

Diana LaMarre said...

Now that is one adventure I have never been on! LOL.

nanny said...

I've never hunted hogs....I would be scared to death if I saw one!
They sure can do alot of careful!

Nancy said...

I've been deer hunting, but no hog hunting. I bet they are good eating though. Was your hubby armed? Or was this just a visual hunt?

Love your reflection photos. Very unique! :)

Inger-M said...

I've never heard of hog hunting; it sounds....interesting? :-) Your reflections are wonderful, love the first two shots!
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