Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today I'm joining Friday Fences

If you get a chance...go by and check them out...

not a very inviting fence..
definately says stay out...
stay away...

Today I read a great post...
she called it a rant....
 talked about missing the personal connection...
like real mail...
cards...letters...actual phone calls...

I'm so with you on that one Dawn.....
I love getting cards in the mail...
hand written letters make me giddy....

I love sending out cards...
I sent out Thanksgiving cards this year...
I'm anxious to get to work on my chrismas cards..

I'm stealing borrowing Dawns idea...
if you would be interested in getting a Christmas card..
from this Texas gal....send me an email with your address...
I would love to add you to my Chrismas card list...
my e-mail is


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I just finished writing out my Thanksgiving cards. I love to send cards and thank you notes.

Carletta said...

Love the perspectives of your images - especially the last one!
I love real mail too and do make my own Christmas cards. It says something personal when one takes the time to handwrite messages.
Carletta@Round The Bend

TexWisGirl said...

oh my goodness. the US and Canadian postal services are going to kiss you both. :)

Judy said...

That first fence is a little intimidating!! I am on the lookout for a stretch of nice rusty barbed wire...

Unknown said...

I love this series of fences. Very industrial...

Bridget Larsen said...

Dawn is so true with her rant. Guess what I am, a card maker and I'd love to swap a card with you.
Oh thats right I came to see your fence lol
You can see my cards in my three blogs here
Bridget #2

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the wire art of these fences! Beautifully highlighted!

Jan n Jer said...

Great fences shots! I hear you on writing out cards n notes....this is becoming a lost art! I can't help but wonder what our young generation would do if they were without the internet n social networks! It really is sad! Thanks for playing FF

Joani said...

That is such a cool idea. And, the post office will love it that more mail is being sent via them. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You want to send more Christmas cards?!? Wonderful.

I say wonderful, 'cause I'm one of those who opted out of doing so, years ago. It was a duty/chore to me and so, I never enjoyed it. Wise that I opted out.

But those who enjoy doing it.... More power to you.

I like real mail. I fear that letters are going to slide into history. Which seems sad, when one reads compilations of letter of famous people of times gone by.

I most certainly will give you my address. In return for yours of course. :-)))))) Can't promise a card, but I do get the urge to sit down and (try not to scribble) write some lines. :-)

Gentle hugs,
"May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!"

~~~Author Unknown

Anonymous said...

barbed wire makes it difficult to climb over! LoL! Great fence shots! =)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am the total opposite of you and Dawn, have never understood cards in the mail and don't send them. i forced myself to send mail to my mother until she died and that was in 1990, I love email cards and letters since they don't make clutter and i can read and delete,which is what i do with mail, read and drop in trash. with cards i let them lay on the counter one day before dropping in trash. my mother had every card she ever got in her whole life when she died. all of them, in boxes. just sign me scrooge.
your fence shots or really good i like the pieces of them.

Faye said...

Fences with jobs to do--must have them! Many of you serious photographers may make your own holiday and greeting cards. I may try that this year. If you enjoy mail, do you know about the Postcard Crossing Project where you exchange postcards with people from many different countries? E-mail me if you'd like the info.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I adore a snail mail card!.
Love the many cool ones!

Buttons Thoughts said...

That fence definitely says get lost stay away I love it in a scary kind of way.
Dawn is awesome.

Bev said...

Those fence pictures...grew on you!!

Rose said...

You sure got different also reminded me of one I want to take if I ever get the chance.

Susan said...

Great fence pictures! Love them!