Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Today I'm joining Watery Wednesday
my hubby has been friends with this guy since they were kids...
they have spent many an hour on the river bottoms...
as kids they practically lived down there...
His wife and I could just imagine ....
seeing them as their 10 and 12 year old selves.....
sitting there talking...

hubby is checking out the hog tracks...
it has rained so it will be the weekend before we can try again...

the guys looking at all the signs for hogs...
there are tracks...wallored  rooted out places every where...

"this is the place we used to ride motorcyles"
"look at those tracks" "we are gonna get a hog"
guy talk....

this photo was taken right around daybreak...
I really enjoy starting or ending the day down there...
peaceful....unless you see hogs...
hubby had the nice idea to paint our kitchen...
and living room today...right before Thanksgiving...
good thing we are having our dinner in the late afternoon...
well at last they are painted...
been wanting it done for quite awhile now...
he woke up this morning and decided to get it done...
nothing like having company coming....
to get some of those Honey do's marked off the list...


Bev said...

Well at least he got the painting job going!! I have wanted to paint...but my hubby will put it off forever...he does not like to paint!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Deb said...

I just love the picture of the guys sitting on the bank and the other of them too. So cute! There is no better way to get things done around the house than having company coming. Y'all have a great Thanksgiving:)

Diana LaMarre said...

How wonderful to have a good friend like that.

Boy, hubby was pretty ambitious to up and paint like that. I bet it really does feel good to have it done.

Happy Thanksgivng to you and your family.

Nancy said...

Love seeing the photos of your hubby and his friend, just "being." They are very heart-warming to me.

Hope you enjoy preparing your Thanksgiving feast in your freshly-painted kitchen. Sounds wonderful! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looking at the photos of the two men flipped me right in to nostalgia land. especially the first one, and I got a mental picture of two boys sitting there. he is blessed to have a friend like that since childhood.

TexWisGirl said...

LOVE the friendship that has lasted all these decades (and more to come!)

and laughing at your hubby painting the kitchen before T-giving!

nanny said...

You really captured the perfect pictures for your story....hope they get a big one.

Don't know if you have an invitation to pinterest but I'll send you one just in case you don't. I think you will really enjoy it. I love it.

Craftymoose Crafts said...

So nice for them to be friends for so long! Have a nice Thanksgiving!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Those friendships that last from childhood are really great.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

guys or gals how, nice to have old friends.

MarieElizabeth said...

Great shot of the 2 guys together, you're right, you can almost see them as boys a few years ago.