Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Watery Wednesday....and random thoughts...

Today I'm joining Watery Wednesday
we've had some high winds lately...
really tossing the leaves around...

cold weather has hit Texas...
not as cold as our Northern friends...
but after our hotter than h@** summer...
it is nippy...we had our first freeze yesterday...

believe it or not I'm almost done with my
Christmas shopping....
drawing names sure helps....
I've had little britches done for a while now...
now I just have to sit on my hands...
not to add more to it...

I'm really looking forward to all the upcoming
holiday activities...
we have a open house to go to this week..
our Annual Christmas parade...
and tree lighting ceremony
is this weekend...
We are doing our family Christmas...
on Christmas Eve this year...
since we got everyone for Thanksgiving...
they have other families to visit on Christmas Day...
We are doing Chili and soups for our meal...
easy peasy...more time to visit...and enjoy the little ones...
I got my first Christmas card today...
with a cute little crocheted star...
from a friend from high school...
she is a crafty gal...
I need to get busy on my Christmas crafts...
Happy Wednesday....


Reena said...

Jealous! You're almost done with xmas shopping ... I haven't even started!

TexWisGirl said...

wel, blogger's being a poop tonight. i like your watery shots, even tho i get cold looking at them! :) we're too used to the triple digit temps this year!

Deb said...

These cooler temps are great for getting us in the Christmas mood, huh?

Pretty blue water in your watery shots.

Anonymous said...

Nice leaf pics sweet Deb. It is getting cold here in AR too. My Christmas shopping is all done. Doing happy dance!!! Hugs

Jeanie said...

I'm not near as far along as you are with Christmas shopping, but every time I get it done early I just end up doing more. I have at least started.
We have very cold weather on the way tonight after 60s today, so maybe the cold will get me moving.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the floating leaves... and congrats on your early shopping... leaves time for more DOG PHOTOS for ME

nanny said...

I'm about done too....now the wrapping!

It is hard to stop for the little one, I agree!

Nancy said...

That is the down side to starting shopping so early -- sometimes tricked into buying more to stay in the spirit.

Michaele said...

I love your Christmas spirit!

Cheryl said...

Lovely leaves...I am almost done with my CHristmas shopping but I usually end up going out and splurging on more gifts at the end. How fun will it be with the little one this Christmas!